
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Badge Of Honor - Character

This week I am reading about a story called Badge of Honor. This is one of my create work

Each character in a story has an important role to play. They bring in different aspects of the story.

Fill out this comparison table to identify the role of the characters in the story

we are reading this week.

Character name

What they look like

Dialogue from this character which helps us understand what they are like

Their role

What other characters think of this character


He has a dark brown hair 

“Are you going to tell anyone”

School captain and Tomasi’s friend

Tomasi and Fai


Brown hair and has wrist band

“Back me up, you need to say I was at your place after school yesterday. Miss Latu will have to believe us, we’re school captains, right?”

Isaac’s friend and a school captain, he likes fight

Mrs Latu and Isaac

Mrs Latu

Curly short hair, has glasses.

“Being a school captain is an honour”.

School principle



Brown braided hair and has many badge.

“I know things about him ... like he

fights ... on the weekend and sometimes after school, down at the park.

His friends all go to watch. They film it on their phones.”

School captain 

Isaac and Mrs Latu


Brown hair


Tomasi’s opponent

Tomasi and Mrs Latu

Friday, August 21, 2020

Maths Milliornaire Middle 2020 Friday certificate

This is my certificate from the Friday maths quiz. Today's maths questions were okay. Some of the questions were hard but my class and I solved it together!


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Math Week challenge!


This is my certificate from the Maths Millionaire Middle. 

This is my Monday's certificate. 
This is my Tuesday certificate 

And this is my Wednesday certificate
It was kind of hard but it's fun! 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Lockdown Flowchart Term 3

Hi! This is my screencastify of my Lockdown Flowchart Term 3 I hope you guys enjoyed the video!