
Monday, April 20, 2020

Man accidentally ejected himself from plane

A 64-years-old man accidentally ejected himself from a fighter jet.
The force was in take off, when the force was in take off it made the man "float"off his seat, causing him to stand up and then he grabbed a handle which he must've not know it was the ejection handle then accidentally pulled the ejection handle. His seat with him on it launched up into the sky. His parachute deployed, luckily there was a nearby field. He landed there avoiding no serious injuries.



  1. Hi Dwyane I like your blog and Keep on blogging and Stay Safe.

  2. Hi Dwayne
    Molly Here from T1 at Grey Man School. Were did you find all this information? I think that you have doe a good job with this post, even adding a picture of the plane the man flew up out of. When did this happen?
    Keep up the great work
    Molly :)

  3. Hey Dwayne,
    Good work you got here with some very good telling info, Why did the 64 year old man do that and what was your reaction when you were reading? Keep it up with the good work and blogging.
    Stay safe !!


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